Modern Foods Fool the Body

Modern Foods Fool The Body

Modern foods fool the body in different ways. Modern Foods Wonderful modern foods. Delicious. Maybe not nutritious. Strange calories. My body doesn’t recognize, It stores. As fat. Maybe cellulite— This improved food. Maybe I should I be. Eternally hungry. A

Mary Mary Went Berserk

Mary Mary Went Berserk

Mary Mary Went Berserk is a fun little short post. I hope that you enjoy the humor and always remember that it is healthy to laugh and have a good mood.

The Singer

The Singer

This is a tale of the singer Manikine Leonardo Breckenridge. This story reminds us to never stop trying. The Singer Manikine Leonardo Breckenridge came from a military family. His heritage reached all the way back to our revolutionary war. Now

So You Would Be A Writer

So You Would Be A Writer

You would learn to entertain your own thoughts. Stand alone when others are about. Leave a legacy that will last into the distant future? You must make room for the hunger that drives a writer, usually hidden hungers. Enjoy the endless hours of solitude, late night and early mornings.

Finding Your Career Path

Finding Your Career Path

Most people never do find their inner strengths … they struggle forever in fields where they shouldn't venture. Our brain and body-type—our hardware and software package—were long ago etched in stone. Finding Your Career Path. Strengths, Weaknesses and Talents.

Sincere Compliments Are Gems Of Life

Sincere Compliments Are Gems Of Life

Sincere Compliments Are Gems Of Life. Through the years, I slogged through the mud, snow, heat and sometimes harsh training of life.