Relax Your Mind And Body

Tension can literally and physically tear our bodies into bodies into pieces. It can cause terrible physical and mental damage.
Tension can literally and physically tear our bodies into bodies into pieces. It can cause terrible physical and mental damage.
The strength of your body, including your back, resides in a strong core. These gentle exercises will indeed build a strong core.
A healthy lunch for active people. This sounds easy and it is. Basic foods are healthy foods. You can run and have fun staying healthy if you take care of your body. Here is a nice lunch; it can be breakfast, dinner or a snack.
Do office chairs affect health? You may be surprised how office chairs affect health. I know a lady who worked in a chair that was too high and her feet would not reach the floor. She worked in a construction-trailer type
The partially digested food is passed to me from the small intestine for further processing by trillions of bacteria. It now undergoes fermentation. Healthy Large Intestine
Muscle Imbalance Causes Muscle and Joint Pain. Most of our physical problems and handicaps are the results of unbalanced muscles. Our bones are held together—end to end—by powerful ligaments. These guys have no power to move the bones. They only