Momma Jo’s Old Fashion cough syrup

Commercial Cough Medicine is designed for little children and timid people. Make your own, and make it to your specifications, we need something with more zing. Add extra ginger--if you like.
Commercial Cough Medicine is designed for little children and timid people. Make your own, and make it to your specifications, we need something with more zing. Add extra ginger--if you like.
One of my goals is to coax people into looking after their health and happiness; with this on my mind, I went ahead and made a short video. I have read that older people CAN build muscles—even at 81-years of age.
Be a Relaxed Player in Life for health and happiness. It all starts with you and a smile To Be A Relaxed Player Be Nice to Yourself Travel down today’s road with a smile and relaxed mind and body. One
Secondhand Sugar is a Problem for Our Children. It is causing new health problems that affect their physical, mental and emotional health. They unknowingly consume these sugars. It is best to educate yourself and therefore take responsibility for your families
I believe in Eating for Health and Happiness. It’s not something that you do, it is however a way of life. It is a great life and becomes more interesting when you think about what you are taking into your body.
Food preservatives kill the good guys as well as the bad guys. We can eliminate most of these from our raw foods.