Remove the Food Preservatives that Kill the Probiotics in Your Gut

Food preservatives are needed to help get fresh produce from around the world to our table, but these can cause us digestive problems--like diarrhea.
Food preservatives are needed to help get fresh produce from around the world to our table, but these can cause us digestive problems--like diarrhea.
Healthy Living Means a Healthy Body and Mind My wife had a body health scan at the Boardman, Ohio, Wellness Center (local "Y." It used to be called the YMCA.) It showed that she has the metabolism of a 60-year old person. That is strange because we have been married for 57-years. I know better than to give her age, but either I married her when she was quite young or ... "Jerry best shut up de mout." I too, want to keep on aging.
A Healthy Rugged Breakfast is important for Rugged People. I need to provide my body with a hearty start to prepare to work hard and keep my strength. Meet the Day With Power and Stamina The day is long and
I eat cranberries a few times each week for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These beautiful berries are an amazing health resource that you can have at your fingertips all the time. You can eat cranberries in salads, in cooked side
Scurvy, the old--sailors-disease, also known as Beriberi; Rickets-deformed bones, Goiters, Pellagra-referred to as "three D's"-diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia, and night vision problems, are all caused by nutrient deficiency.
Long ago, farmers taught me to watch what I feed the horses, cows, pigs and chickens--and watch what comes out the other end. The farmer's wife told me that people are only animals--they too need good food. We put out mineralized salt-blocks to get trace elements into the cows and horses.Nutrient-dense Foods can Prevent Diseases Nutrient-dense Foods can Prevent Diseases