Transition From Mother’s Milk To Basic Foods
It holds high importance to transition from mother’s milk to healthy basic foods. Avoid second hand sugar by offering healthy choices early on. Sweetened and masked foods are pushed onto children. This is spurred on by the marketing companies. Their goal remains to tickle the taste buds so that their product will sell best. We are gradually trained to believe these sweet delicious foods are what we want.
Transition from Mother’s Milk to Basic Food
Mother’s milk is sweet to the taste
And formula is too
Then onward to flavored and sweetened liquids
And infant foods and then solids too
The child needs to learn about non-sweetened foods
These are essential for healthy growth
The trick is to get the child to eat these foods
And learn to like them
One way is to get the little person good and hungry
Hungry enough to eat what is available
Hungry enough to eat and not complain
In today’s world that would be inhumane
Too often we begin a meal with a sweetened beverage
Or toast with jelly, or other sweet food
Then comes the main course made sweetened too
And flavored or deemed inedible
The food chemists have learned to create delicious food
The texture is delightful and the color is sublime
With hundreds of flavorings, seasonings and spices
We have a difficult task knowing when to stop eating
The food industry fights for market share
Blind taste testing is the way to go
What is sweetest and most flavorful is what sells
Also, it smells so heavenly
Sliders slide down the throat with two bites
Furthermore, we become delighted by the taste
The mommy says “Oh honey, try it, we saw it on TV.”
Also, the little child says, “Oh it is so sweet and delicious.”
If it is sweet, looks good, smells fine and has pleasant odors it will sell
The child does the taste test
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