Debt repayment obligations become ours from our government’s borrowing and spending. New debts we make fall to our children and grandchildren.
Tag Archives: healthy living
Healthy Sinus Cavities need kept up for breathing and hearing. Ears and sinuses can be kept healthy by not blowing mucus into them. Empty them by sucking out the mucus.
A talent is something given to you from the beginning. What you do with it is the choice you have to make. Will you use it and prosper. Maybe you will just hold on to it never sharing it with
The evil scientist creates terrible poisons. The poison’s made invisible to attack the senses without ever knowing you picked it up.
Burnout is something we do to ourselves. We don’t have to suffer burnout if we pace our tasks. Obstinate I cried out that nothing could stop me. That was not true. I stopped myself.
Fatigue and burnout affects everyone sooner or later. Even an old goat like me can get fatigue and burnout if I don’t pay attention to my activity.