I believe we all need an antidisgruntilator these days. It becomes easy to turn upset by words meant or not.
Poems of Health
Automation has come a long way. Be it good or bad it progresses ever forward. As a matter of fact, it has the possibility to help you or interfere. Educate your brain to keeping your value above automation. Automation Basic
Assertive statements can be powerful or dangerous even. As a matter of fact, we need to take care when making them.
The white man has a dilemma. He brought it on by his own complacency. He relaxed and made room for others to take his place and move over.
Energy is the drive behind all that we do. We must have it to keep moving. How do we get it? It comes from our food, drink, lifestyle and more.
Someone took my neighbors farm tractor. Came in the night out of sight. Stole it you might say just for leveling the playing field.