My Skin is My Body’s Largest Organ

First of all, My Skin is my body’s largest organ. It protects me very well. Learn more here about the skin and its awesome abilities and features.
The Tender, Loving Care of My Skin
It has a million little mouths, pores, that spit out waste products and inhale, oxygen. If I don’t clean the skin, the millions of little mouths get plugged.
The Function of this organ
Our skin has a protective barrier that tries to keep out bad things and therefore let good things through. It also helps control my inner temperature. It has began work when I was born and it will work until the end of my time.
The Medical World Has Learned to Penetrate My Skin
Today’s medical industry has learned how to penetrate my skin with heart medicines, and nicotine and birth control patches. I only mention this to drive home the point that it can be done–with ease.
The Chemical Industry Also Penetrates The Skin
Some chemicals that I encounter can penetrate my skin: perfumes, bathroom cleaners, various face and hand maintenance products, –the list is endless.
It Needs Some Tender Loving Care
The skin is strong and resilient and only asks to be treated with respect therefore I don’t need to be too gentle with my skin. It is tough and will repair most damages. With a little rest, it will repair itself. A little coconut oil and some gentle, and firm massaging this keeps our skin healthy and it opens those millions of happy little pores.
It Will Help Detox My Body
A hot bath, shower, heavy sweating; my body will cleanse itself and therefore throw out a lot of waste products. It will automatically do its job and everyone is happy. Keep up the good work.
If the skin is kept too clean, I can damage the protective barrier.
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Tags: health, healthy skin, proper care for skin, Skin Health | jerry |