How I Developed Knees of Steel – and YOU can have it too!

Knees Of Steel Can be Yours In a Few Minutes a Day
To make your knees strong you must use them. As we go about our daily lives and our everyday movements–we can build strong knees. Just use the knees as they were intended to be used. I learned to start small and build my knees into Knees Of Steel.
Don’t Bend The Back Instead of Bending the Knees
The Old Folks Bend.
Older people act like they are afraid to bend their knees. They bend at their waist instead of bending their knees. As time marches on their knees act like they forget how to bend. This is a habit that causes the body to pay a terrible price.
Bend Those Knees to Make Them Strong
Lack of Movement Causes Ligaments, Bones and Tendons Muscles to atrophy. Start with gentle, easy and slow movements. Don’t over bend–and don’t try to be a hero. We can have Knees of Steel with some daily routines that take almost no time or effort. Be gentle with yourself and: Within a few months, you too can have Knees of Steel.
OK, Fellow Citizens on Your March to Knees of Steel, Do this drill
Begin by relaxing your whole body. Now, sink down a few inches. Let yourself move up and down four to six inches. Do this a few times–maybe five or six times. If this feels good, give yourself a big applause–you have done the first drill. As time marches on you can go deeper.
This Marvelous Little Drill is Almost Like a Miracle to Your Body
This Drill Strengthens Your Feet, Ankles, Knees Hips, Lower Back and Abdominals. It works to build strong bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and muscles.
Lubricate Your Joints With Movement
Every joint has a little sack of lubricant known as a “Bursa” it is there to lubricate that joint. When you move the joint it does its job–no movement–no lubricating–thus you get a stiff joint.
The gyroscope in your head is awakened–it will help prevent bone-breaking falls.
Bend Your Knees Instead of Your Back When Reaching Down
When reaching for something under the sink, on the couch, on the floor–or just for fun–do this little drill. Be gentle and take your time. The various ligaments and such will get stronger and become more flexible as the weeks go by.
March to Your Own Drum, Be Your Own Drummer–March Into Your Future With Knees of Steel.
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