Electrolytes for Everyday Health and Good Nutrition I believe salt is important to my health. A year ago I had dizzy spells, especially when getting out of bed or standing from sitting. Fortunately, I obtained a book by Dr. James
Healthy Lifestyle

Have a good chiropractor examine you for this problem. Muscle Control is Not The Same as Muscle Weakness I’m no longer a distance runner but looking back I remember looking for the nearest tree along the route. What took years

How to keep a healthy prostate gland I have learned now to drink a cup or two of green tea each day to add certain trace elements to my diet, and to help keep me healthy as I get older;

Our faces are exposed to the sun, wind and rain. Our bodies throw out millions of dead white corpuscles to protect our faces. This forms a greasy film that protects our face, but in today’s world it can plug the
The food and medical industry is killing my Microbiome A whole exciting field of health has opened to these studies. The food and medical industry is killing my Microbiome A whole exciting field of health has opened to these studies.

Plain Groundwater Should Supply Many Basic Minerals Plain water from wells and springs can be a blessing to our bodies. Groundwater can supply us with a variety of Minerals and other nutrients. The Contribution of Drinking Water to Mineral Nutrition