Health Benefits of Molasses

Blackstrap molasses helps prevent muscle cramps

Blackstrap molasses is a treasure of minerals

We have a problem getting enough minerals and trace elements into our diets. Athletes try to solve the problem with supplements of various types and sports drinks. I think they have too many ingredients that I don’t want in my diet.

Blackstrap molasses came to my rescue.

This nutrient dense sweetener is the residue of making cane sugar, and is a natural remedy for the prevention of muscle cramps. It is high in iron, Potassium, magnesium, and Calcium and is low in calories, and it tastes better than my homemade electrolyte drink.

Blackstrap molasses has many health benefits.

Blackstrap molasses has many health benefits, and can be used as sweetener in oatmeal,yogurt, homemade granola bars, coffee and tea; and is good for energy enhancement for active people.

Replace refined sugar in any recipes with black-strap molasses.

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