Get rid Of That ‘Clean’ Bottled Water

Create your own “dirty” water.

Mankind thrived for millions of years by drinking from mud puddles and whatever drinking hole that was available; they just scrapped away the debris and drank what they could find. Jesus didn’t have distilled water.

Satisfy your thirst

The average adult male has about 36 trillion cells and each one is a tiny battery that runs on salt and water. Your cells cannot use pure water—it must be contaminated with minerals like salt; otherwise it goes right back out as urine, and the body is still thirsty.

I’m working hard at cleaning up my diet.

The World Health Organization says that groundwater; spring, river and well water, are loaded with the minerals we need in our bodies.

Drink ground water—not too much.

I avoid over hydration. I don’t need to drink constantly. My best bet is to drink enough that my urine is straw-color and not dark yellow. My kidneys are smart enough to know how much to get rid of, and not throw out too many of the elements that are needed for future use.

My diet and lifestyle should relive me of even thinking about these things.

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