
We are what we eat the old saying goes. Put good things into your body and you will get good things from your body.

How to Teach Yourself to Like SauerkrautHow to Teach Yourself to Like Sauerkraut

Learning to Like Sauerkraut is Easy and Fun When I first tasted whiskey, it was terrible! It burned mouth and turned my face red. But after a few tries learned to like it. In fact I loved it: I had

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JUMPSTART-YOUR-DAY-WITH-A-POWERFUL-CHILI-BREAKFASTJumpstart your Day with a Powerful Chili Breakfast

March Armies on a  Powerful Chili Breakfast. Find out what this amazing food is all about and furthermore what it does for your body! A Powerful Chili Breakfast With Sauerkraut, Cheese and Onions Chili will provide nutrients for a day’s work,

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BEEF BONE BROTH FOR HEALTHY JOINTSBeef Bone Broth for Healthy Joints

Scurvy, the old–sailors-disease, also known as Beriberi; Rickets-deformed bones, Goiters, Pellagra-referred to as “three D’s”-diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia, and night vision problems, are all caused by nutrient deficiency.

Eating for Health and HappinessEating for Health and Happiness

I believe in Eating for Health and Happiness. It’s not something that you do, it is however a way of life. It is a great life and becomes more interesting when you think about what you are taking into your body.

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Natural Probiotics For Health And Happiness

New studies at major universities, like Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Massachusetts Children’s Hospital, Harvard medical School, show that many diseases like IBS and C. difficile can be treated by injecting poop from a healthy person.

SUPER-SALADSuper Salads And A Silver Spoon For Health And Vitality

The healthy old goat says: “You can take a giant step toward healthy living by eating basic raw greens with a silver-plated spoon or fork.” I am 79-years old and no medications, no supplements, no aches or pains.