
We are what we eat the old saying goes. Put good things into your body and you will get good things from your body.

My Quest for nutrients

My mind and body’s needs for these mysterious elements We are probably deficient in nutrients. The International Mineralogical Association recognizes more than 6050 minerals. No one knows how many are needed by our brains and bodies; we do know that

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Why we need Iodine in our diets

Iodine Why we need Iodine in our diets The old coal miner taught me to respect iodine. My grandfather taught my daddy and he taught me that iodine is needed to prevent thyroid problems; and to build strong bodies and

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Health Benefits of Molasses

Blackstrap molasses helps prevent muscle cramps Blackstrap molasses is a treasure of minerals We have a problem getting enough minerals and trace elements into our diets. Athletes try to solve the problem with supplements of various types and sports drinks.

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My diet drives my health

I’m Responsible for a Healthy Diet. As an adult I control what I eat. I can’t blame: the food industry, the restaurants, nor my heritage. I am not so stupid that I can’t figure out what is the best for

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Why I Drink a Cup of Green Tea Each Day

Green tea is fermented and has many trace elements my body and brain want: It protects against cognitive decline and memory decline and bone loss,and improves longevity; may enhance memory, may lower stroke risk, and helps lower cholesterol. Silent moments

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Be Like Superman

Be like Superman Be Strong, Gentle and Kind Face your own fears and overcome them. Defend the weak and try to calm their fears. Don’t fear the bad guys and don’t put yourself in the position where you need to

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