
Skull Exercising and Massaging

Although the human skull has been long-thought to be immovable, we now understand that the 5 bones that make up the skull are actually movable and this can be important to the nightly brain cleansing that takes place during the

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Face Muscle Exercises

You can have the face you want.

Gentle Exercises for Healthy joints and Musclesy

Gentle Exercise for Healthy Joints You can have a body of steel, with strong pain free joints, and a good range of motion. Be gentle with yourself. This program is aimed at average people like you, in the second triad

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Why do old folks mumble?

Why do old people mumble? Why Do I Mumble More as I Head Toward My 100th birthday? How to fix my old-folks-mumble? The Old Folks Mumble can be attributed to a combination of factors, especially a loss of muscle tone

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Healthy Old GuruJumping Rope for Agility, Balance and Strong Legs

Running should be Gentle on your entire body—all the way from your big toe to the Atlas where your skull is balanced. One of the many benefits of spending time jumping rope is we can improve our running skill. By

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Be nice to yourself.WE Have Three Periods of Growth and Development in Life

The first Triad of life, from birth until 35 years is developmental.
These triads of life fall into 7year segments of development.