Burnout and Allostatic Load
Our overworked minds and bodies
The wordallostaticfrom the ancient Greek word that describes how the
long term tasks of working our minds and bodies without enough recovery
from the burden of the everyday struggle to keep at these everyday tasks.
Give yourself a day of rest each week
The Christian Bible coaxes us to take one day each week for complete
relaxation–even our beasts of burden need a day of rest each week. We
each need to do the same for our health and happiness.
Don’t let this happen to you
The burden can build up and take its toll on us and eventually wears us
down. In my exuberance to make the world go the way I wanted, I spent
many years overworking my body and my mind. It caught up to me and I
resorted to alcohol for relief. That was the wrong solution and it was a
problem to get rid of. I mention this as a precaution for other hard-driving
A simple way to remedy the problem at home.
We can practice getting out of our comfort zone and letting our bodies
create certain important sounding chemicals that will fix that nasty problem.
(I’m not a doctor and I don’t need to try to enumerate the chemicals
here–too many and too complicated. And we don’t need to know their
names) They boggle my mind.
Suffice it to say that hot and cold showers can do the job but it took me a
few weeks of home therapy. Yes, we can help our bodies to overcome the
problem by taking daily measures to help our bodies recover from this
A good health spa can be a blessing to you with this problem.
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