Bell’s Palsy

When I got Bell’s Palsy it was not fun. Bell’s Palsy is a condition where one side of your face is pretty much paralyzed and just hangs there. It does not function the way it should while you are suffering this condition. It can have different causes and sometimes it can go away.
Bell’s Palsy
Friday, July 5, 2013, I overworked for an old guy—twelve hours in a dusty environment, but not all hard labor.
Rather than a late supper, I ate a large chunk of hard cheese and a double fistful of walnuts. I suspect that I may have food sensitivities toward these. But I was hungry and ate them.
Saturday morning I went to the local clinic complaining that my ears felt like they were plugged up and they felt not good.
The lady said I had fluid buildup. She gave me 21 doses of an antibiotic. This was the first meds that I have had in about 60 years.
After the fifth dose, Sunday at noon, my eyes felt like they wanted to jump out of my head. I took no more.
I woke up Monday, July 8, 2013, with the left side of my face numb, and my left eye wouldn’t close. When I tried to eat food it fell back out of my mouth. Not fun.
I went to another doctor and was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy.
Bell’s Palsy Research
After some research I came to the following conclusion.
1. The facial nerve comes through the skull alongside the ear nerves and if one is swollen it can choke off the other one.
2. A virus infection might cause the problem.
3. It will probably go away in a few weeks.
4. The experts don’t all agree.
5. I will stay away from dairy products, tree nuts and dusty surroundings.
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